Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Review of Family Types Essay

Single-Parent Families A single-parent family is a family where the parents are divorced or one of the parents died. Children from single parent families tend to have more problems than children from families with two parents. Research has shown that children from single-parent families get lower grades in school. As a result, fewer children from single parent families go to university. They also get in trouble with the police more. When children from single-parent families grow up, they are more likely to commit a crime or go to jail. However, not all children from single-parent families have problems. Single parents can also be very loving and caring. Nuclear Families Nuclear families are families where just parents and their children live together. Traditionally, most people lived in extended families but increasingly people are choosing to live in nuclear families. Research has shown that urbanization is the main reason why people have changed from living in extended families to living in nuclear families. (Urbanization is when people leave the countryside to live in the city). In Japan, for example, most people lived in extended families before WWII. But now most people live in nuclear families. And before WWII only 38% of people lived in cities, but now 80% of the people live in cities. Extended Families Extended families are families where three or more generations are living in the same house. Usually, that means that the grandparents are living with their children and grandchildren. Research has shown that there are several advantages to living in extended families. Extended families are very important in countries where there is no social security net. Extended families help prevent elderly people from becoming poor. Another advantage is that the grandparents can look after the children. During the day, the grandparents watch the children to make sure that they are ok. And they also talk to the children when the parents are busy. This helps the children learn their language. And since the children are well taken care of, both of the parents are free to work on the farm or earn money in jobs. Bicultural Families Bicultural families are families where the parents come from different nationalities or different religions or different races. One advantage to coming from a bicultural family is that the children have more experiences. And so they tend to be more open-minded. Language is another area where bicultural children have an advantage. Research has shown that children can easily learn two languages when they are young. But it is important for the parents to not mix the languages. The father should only use the father’s language when speaking to the child and the mother should only use the mother’s language. However, one disadvantage of living in a bicultural family is that children have an identity problem. They don’t know who they are. Quiz – Four Families What are single-parent families? Do children from single parents tend to have more or fewer problems? What two problems does the article talk about? (1) (2) Do all children from single-parent families have problems? What is an extended family? Where are extended families very important? How do grandparents help children? What is a nuclear family? What is the main reason why more and more people live in nuclear families? How did Japan change after WWII? What is a bicultural family? How are children from bicultural families different from other children? If bicultural parents want to teach their children how to speak two languages what should they do? What problems do bicultural children have?

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Katherine Mansfield Essay

She was born in 1888 in Wellington, a town labeled â€Å"the empire city† by its white inhabitants, who modeled themselves on British life and relished their city’s bourgeois respectability. [1] At an early age, Mansfield witnessed the disjuncture between the colonial and the native, or Maori, ways of life, prompting her to criticize the treatment of the Maoris in several diary entries and short stories. [2] Mansfield’s biographer, Angela Smith, writes: â€Å"It was her childhood experience of living in a society where one way of life was imposed on another, and did not quite fit in† that sharpened her modernist impulse to focus on moments of â€Å"disruption† or encounters with â€Å"strange or disturbing† aspects of life. [3] Her feelings of disjuncture were accentuated when she arrived in Britain in 1903 to attend Queen’s College. In many respects, Mansfield remained a lifelong outsider, a traveler between two seemingly similar yet profoundly different worlds. After briefly returning to New Zealand in 1906, she moved back to Europe in 1908, living and writing in England and parts of continental Europe. Until her premature death from tuberculosis at the age of 34, Mansfield remained in Europe, leading a Bohemian, unconventional way of life. The Domestic Picturesque Mansfield’s short story â€Å"Prelude† is set in New Zealand and dramatizes the disjunctures of colonial life through an account of the Burnell family’s move from Wellington to a country village. The story takes its title from Wordsworth’s seminal poem, â€Å"The Prelude,† the first version of which was completed in 1805, which casts the poet as a traveler and chronicles the â€Å"growth of a poet’s mind. †[4] Although the Burnell family moves a mere â€Å"six miles† from town, the move is not inconsequential; it enacts a break with their previous way of life and alerts the family members to the various discontinuities in their lives. Beneath the veneer of the Burnells’ harmonious domestic life are faint undercurrents of aggression and unhappiness. The haunting specter of a mysterious aloe plant and a slaughtered duck in their well-manicured yard suggests that the family’s â€Å"awfully nice† new home conceals moments of brutality and ignorance toward another way of life that was suppressed and denied. [5] As I will propose, these two incidents echo the aesthetic concept of the sublime, as they encapsulate a mysterious power that awes its beholders and cannot be fully contained within their picturesque home. Through her subtle, dream-like prose, Mansfield deploys traditional aesthetic conventions like the picturesque while simultaneously transfiguring, subverting, and reinventing them in a modernist context. The concept of the picturesque was first defined by its originator, William Gilpin, an 18th century artist and clergyman, as â€Å"that kind of beauty which is agreeable in a picture. †[6] Thus, a scene or representation is beautiful when it echoes an already-established, artistic conception of beauty, revealing the self-reinforcing way in which art creates the standard of beauty for both art and life. Mansfield presents these picturesque moments in order to demystify them and reveal the suppression and violence they contain. In addition to â€Å"Prelude,† her stories â€Å"Garden Party† and â€Å"Bliss† dramatize the transformation and inversion of picturesque moments of bourgeois life and domestic harmony. While she seems to exhibit a certain attachment to these standard aesthetic forms, Mansfield subtly interrogates many of these conventions in a strikingly modernist way. Through her childhood in a colony, Mansfield also became attuned to the violence and inequalities of colonialism. As Angela Smith suggests, her early writings demonstrate a keen sensitivity towards a repressed history of brutality and duplicity. [7] In her 1912 short story â€Å"How Pearl Button Was Kidnapped,† she questions and overturns the perspective of the colonialist, whose vantage point historically trumps that of the native. The deliberate ambivalence of the word â€Å"kidnapping† dramatizes the conflict between the colonist’s perspective and Pearl’s joyful, eye-opening experiences during her abduction. In a similar way, empire dramatized for Mansfield the way that a picturesque, bourgeois household could suppress alternative perspectives. The Sublime In â€Å"Prelude,† the mysterious, sublime aloe plant disrupts the pleasant domesticity of the Burnell household. Their well-manicured yard with its tennis lawn, garden, and orchard also contains a wild, unseemly side—â€Å"this was the frightening side, and no garden at all. †[8] This â€Å"side† contains the aloe plant, which exerts a mysterious, enthralling power over its awed beholders. In its resemblance to the ocean, the aloe assumes the characteristics of the sublime: â€Å"the high grassy bank on which the aloe rested rose up like a wave, and the aloe seemed to ride upon it like a shop with the oars lifted. Bright moonlight hung upon the lifted oars like water, and on the green wave glittered the dew. †[9] For many writers and poets, the ocean was a manifestation of the sublime because of its unfathomable power and scale that awed and humbled its observers. The aloe’s strikingly physiological effect on its viewers recalls Edmund Burke’s sublime, which overpowers its observer and reinforces the limitations of human reason and control. In his famous treatise on the sublime, Burke writes: â€Å"greatness of dimension, vastness of extent or quantity† is a powerful cause of the sublime, as it embodies the violent and overpowering forces of nature. [10] In a similar vein, the child, Kezia Burnell’s first impression upon seeing the â€Å"fat swelling plant with its cruel leaves and fleshy stem† is one of awe and wonder. [11] In this case, the sublimity of the aloe plant disrupts and challenges the domestic picturesque as it defies mastery, categorization, and traditional notions of beauty. In its resistance to categorization and control, the sublime embodies the part of the ungovernable landscape that the Burnell family cannot domesticate and the picturesque cannot frame. As a result, in â€Å"Prelude,† the magnitude of the sublime interrupts and fractures the tranquil surface of the picturesque by exposing the unfathomable depths beneath it. The colonial backdrop of the Burnells’ yard also contributes to the mysterious, occult power of the aloe. This unruly part of their property hints toward a landscape that eludes domestication and serves as a constant reminder that the Burnell family is living in a land that is not quite theirs and cannot be fully tamed. [12] At the age of 19, Mansfield wrote that the New Zealand bush outside of the cities is â€Å"all so gigantic and tragic—and even in the bright sunlight it is so passionately secret. †[13] For Mansfield, the bush embodies the history of a people whose lives have been interrupted and displaced by European settlers. [14] After wars, brutal colonial practices, and European diseases had devastated the local Maori population, the bush became a haunting monument to their presence. As the Burnell family settles down to sleep on the first night in their new home, â€Å"far away in the bush there sounded a harsh rapid chatter: â€Å"Ha-ha-ha†¦ Ha-ha-ha. †[15] In her subtle way, Mansfield unveils the voices of those whose perspectives are excluded from this portrait of nocturnal domestic harmony. In a similar way, the aloe plant exudes an unfathomable history that is beyond the time and place of the Burnells. Even its age—implied by the fact that it flowers â€Å"once every hundred years†Ã¢â‚¬â€suggests that the aloe exists on a different scale than its human beholders. [16] In its ancient, superhuman scale, the aloe gestures towards the â€Å"gigantic,† indicating a subtle, but implicitly threatening power within, or in proximity of the home. The aloe is a kind of lacuna in the imperial landscape of New Zealand, whose power threatens the colonial household and its control over the landscape. [17] By disrupting and encroaching upon the ostensibly safe domestic sphere, the aloe also echoes the â€Å"unheimlich,† or uncanny, an aesthetic concept explored by Sigmund Freud in his 1919 essay, â€Å"The Uncanny. † The uncanny becomes, in part, an invasive force violating the sacred, domestic sphere and hearkens back to a previously repressed or hidden impulse: â€Å"The uncanny is something which ought to have remained hidden but has come to light. †[18] In â€Å"Prelude,† the aloe is initially depicted as a threatening force that â€Å"might have had claws instead of roots. The curving leaves seemed to be hiding something. †[19] Positioned within the safe space of their property, the aloe is a menacing, ungovernable force that seems to encroach upon it. The plant becomes part of the repressed history of the landscape—a history that is only apparent to Kezia, her mother Linda Burnell, and her grandmother Mrs. Fairfield, who are attuned to the forces below the surface of the picturesque exterior. Violent Underpinnings Beneath many of Mansfield’s picturesque domestic scenes are moments of violence and rupture. In â€Å"Garden Party,† for instance, a poor man falls to his death during the preparations for a much-anticipated social gathering of the wealthy Sheridan family, undermining the convivial spirit of the occasion. In â€Å"Prelude,† Pat, the handyman, slaughters a duck while the children watch with grotesque enthrallment as it waddles for a few steps after being decapitated. â€Å"The crowning wonder† of the dead duck walking hearkens back to Burke’s sublime, which is experienced in â€Å"Prelude† within the confines of the private residence. [20] The sublimity of this apparent defiance of the properties of death acts as a dramatic external force imposing on the observers’ intellect and reason in a profoundly Burkian way. But later that night, when the duck is placed in front of the patriarch, Stanley Burnell, â€Å"it did not look as if it had ever had a head. †[21] The duck’s picturesque dressing—â€Å"its legs tied together with a piece of string and a wreath of little balls of stuffing round it†Ã¢â‚¬â€conceals its violent death. [22] In a similar way, the â€Å"awfully nice† picturesque house is imposed upon the landscape, as if it had never been any other way. [23] Through reconfiguration and transformation, a new imperial order conceals the fact that an older order once lay beneath it. In both cases, the picturesque functions as a way of naturalizing the violent order of domination. As Pat’s golden earrings distract Kezia from her grief over the duck’s death, the duck’s pretty garnish conceals its â€Å"basted resignation. †[24] There is no such thing as a pure aesthetics, Mansfield seems to suggest, as each serene moment is implicated in some act of violence, brutality, or suppression. In â€Å"Prelude,† the good-natured Pat disrupts a pre-existing picturesque scene in which ducks â€Å"preen their dazzling breasts† amidst the pools and â€Å"bushes of yellow flowers and blackberries. †[25] Tellingly, the duck pond contains a bridge, a typical feature of the picturesque that reconciles or bridges the gap between different aspects of the scenery. In this way, the Burnell family’s cultivation of the land by planting and slaughtering ducks disrupts another underlying order. Their unquestioning appropriation of this pre-existing order mirrors the way colonial life disrupted and undermined the indigenous Maori life. Juxtaposing two picturesque scenes that interrupt and conflict with one another, Mansfield questions and unravels the conventional image of the picturesque. This interplay of various conflicting aesthetic orders constitutes part of Mansfield’s modernist style, in which aesthetic forms are ruptured, fragmented, and overturned. As the yard’s landscape bears traces of the Maori past, so the quiet harmony of the Burnells’ domesticity is underscored by deep, unspoken tensions and an animosity that hints at the uncanny. In fact, the only character who expresses any contentment is Stanley, who reflects, â€Å"By God, he was a perfect fool to feel as happy as this! †[26] Yet even he shudders upon entering his new driveway, as â€Å"a sort of panic overtook Burnell whenever he approached near home. †[27] Beneath this veneer of marital bliss and familial harmony, his wife Linda occasionally ignores her children and expresses hatred towards her husband and his aggressive sexuality: â€Å"there were times when he was frightening—really frightening. When she screamed at the top of her voice, ‘You are killing me. ’†[28] Meanwhile Stanley and Beryl, Linda’s sister, seem to have a flirtatious, indecent relationship: â€Å"Only last night when he was reading the paper her false self had stood beside him and leaned against his shoulder on purpose. Hadn’t she put her hand over his†¦ so that he should see how white her hand was beside his brown one. †[29] Dramatizing these dynamics, Mansfield suggests that a â€Å"happy† household outside of town is not as â€Å"dirt cheap† as Stanley boasts; it comes at the cost of servitude, sexual aggression, and a ravaged Maori landscape. [30] Through these layers, which Mansfield subtly strips off one at a time, she artfully exposes the way that an existing political and aesthetic order is not what it seems to be or how it has always been. Her short stories are fraught with their own tensions; while exposing the picturesque as false and absurd, she nevertheless draws on its conventional associations. Similarly, her subtle attempts to question colonial power are embedded in a seemingly idealized portrait of colonial life. Mansfield creates a seemingly beautiful or normal image, such as the happy family in â€Å"Prelude,† â€Å"Bliss,† or â€Å"Garden Party,† and then slowly challenges it through a subtle counter-narrative. In this way, her deployment of modernist techniques is less pronounced than that of James Joyce and her other modernist contemporaries. Just as she challenges aesthetic conventions, Mansfield unravels the reader’s ideas about her own stories by presenting a seemingly beautiful, transparent narrative that is haunted by tensions, lacunae, and opacity. Like the headless walking duck, these fictions of transparency and harmony quickly collapse upon closer inspection.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Derivatives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Derivatives - Essay Example Therefore, I would be able to enable the loss in one market to be compensated, either completely or partially, by the gains received in the other (TMXGroup, 2012). In hedging there are a number of risks but the main risk involved is the basis risk. This comes about as a result of futures contract not being perfectly tracked by the bond that is being hedged. In most cases, it is usually greater for bond as the actual price is usually lower than the theoretical value. However, the loss due to the basis risk is the same as the profit gained from arbitrage transactions thus recoverable (TMXGroup, 2012). Explain how you could use options contract to hedge your $10m portfolio of 5-year US BBB-corporate bonds over the next year. State what different types of option you might use to implement this strategy I could use the open swap position to hedge the $10m by following the strategy of hedging a fixed-rate portion of the swap against a rise in interest rates by selling a specific number of contracts. In most cases, receiving a fixed rate on a swap is the same as buying a bond with the corresponding hedge consisting of selling bond futures contracts. The method is slightly different from the one described in question one above as in question one I would concentrate on buy positions and sell position and hedge when the correlation is greater to make the process more efficient (TMXGroup, 2012). You are an investor and hold $10m portfolio of US, BBB-corporate bonds and  £20m in UK, AA-rated corporate bonds. The current spot rate is 1.5$/ £. Over the next year you want to reduce your exposure to UK bonds by  £10m and gain  £10m exposure to UK economy by taking a position such that you earn the return on the FTSE in terms of US dollars. Actually, it is possible to achieve this cost efficiently using interest rate futures instead of cash bonds. Furthermore, it is also possible using Rho as this is the change in the price of an option

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Water Pollution in the Arabian Gulf (Persian Gulf) Article

Water Pollution in the Arabian Gulf (Persian Gulf) - Article Example Also the three tankers of crude oil were poured in the Kuwait’s port of Mina Al-Ahmadi as a result of the infiltration of combats engaged in Gulf War. This oil spill of 1991 is referred as the largest incident in the history ever owing to the magnitude of its consequences . The Arabian Gulf (Persian Gulf), located between the Iran and Arabian Peninsula, holds considerable geographic and economic significance. One of its prime significances exhibits it to be listed among the top ranked hydrocarbon reserves of the world. This gulf region is often regarded as one of the prime locations for the extraction of oil and planned waterways in the world. The area is rich in water resources and is driven by various gradients. The water of normal salinity enters through different water surfaces into the Arabian Gulf nurturing unique bio diversity in the water region. Before the occurrence of this incident, the water of the Arabian Gulf was considered to have the highest evaporation rate in comparison to the other water sources in the world, adding to its ecological significance .For instance, the oil spill accident of 1991 created severe water pollution along the coastal areas due to which, not only the marine life but also the health of the population was witnessed to be obstructed. It was estimated by the experts that around 700 oil wells were destroyed and set on fire by the Iraqi soldiers . 3. The crude oil and large quantity of petroleum products were released in the water due to the oil spill, which affected the marine life causing water pollution and also created serious hazards in respect to human health. The tidal currents in the sea further carried the crude oil towards the coast of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States affecting the life of many marine birds, which to an extent, also obstructed the free flow of the biological system on the land close to the coastal areas. Around 30000 marine birds were killed due to the crude oil exposure in the Gulf. It was al so observed that about 20% of mangroves and 50% of coral reefs were affected due to water pollution caused by the oil spill accident that had a strong adverse effect on the eco system of the region. The most affected areas because of the oil spill were the northern coast of Saudi Arabia and the Bay of Kuwait4. The discussion henceforth thus focuses on the consequences of the oil spill in those areas and the steps taken by the government in the mitigation process of the pollution caused from the incident from a critical perspective. Consequences of Oil Spill on Marine Life around Arabian Gulf Components of the Gulf Coast Oil Spill Crude oil contains many harmful toxic components, which are capable of affecting the marine life causing water pollution and thus, in turn leads to deteriorating human health. Likewise, the oil spill in t

Friction Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Friction - Lab Report Example A proof of an increase or decrease in mass of the Newton’s experiment is determined by the force and acceleration achieved from the experiment. Goals: The goal of the experiment is to verify the existence of Newton’s second law by finding the coefficient of static friction, Â µs and the coefficient of kinetic friction, Â µk. using the experiment stated below. Introduction: Have you wondered the make-ups of mechanics? Well Newton’s second law breaks it down into simple understandable terms by providing a means of translating directly between the acceleration and force acting towards a given mass or object. Theoretical background: The experiments are based on the concepts of force and Newton’s Laws of Motion, particularly Newton’s Second Law which states that: the acceleration of a body is directly proportional to the net force acting on the body, and inversely proportional to the mass of the body. From this definition, the equation Net Force = Mass x Acceleration (Fnet = mass x acceleration) is derived. Air tracks were used to reduce friction; the little amount of friction that remains in the system is negligible in the data. The suspended mass was subject to gravity which has a constant acceleration of -9.81 m/s2. The variables were solved to include: acceleration of the sled, velocities of the sled at each photo-gate, net force acting on the string, and the time taken from release to the first photo-gate and between the photo-gates. Acceleration was calculated using the formula: Acceleration= Velocity/ Time. The experiment is commonly used in mechanics fields to determine the acceleration acti ng towards a given mass or object. ... Theory: The variables to be used in the experiment and their explanation involves F used to show the force, m used to show the mass being used and a used to show the acceleration of the object. The variables used by Newton’s lay emphasis on the net force used exerted on the experiment in question. The relationship between force and motion was initially discussed by Aristotle (384-332B.C). He proposed that the natural state of an object was during rest, and force was required to put an object into motion, therefore, a continuous force was necessary to keep the body in motion. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) argued that a body at rest is a unique case of a more broad case of constant motion. He noted that in the absence of friction acting on a body to slow it down, the body might continue to move in a straight line forever. He proposed that bodies remain at rest or in a state of constant motion unless an external force acts on them to change this motion. Frictional force is a force unlike other forces which accelerate or slows down a moving body (Lerner & Lawrence, page 51). Isaac Newton (1642-1727) sanctified the relationship between force and motion by proposing that the acceleration of a body is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to the mass of the body. This law is summarized by the formula F=ma which is verified quantitatively in this experiment. Work done i.e. physical work defined in terms of physical quantities is expressed as a product of positional change multiplied by the component of force Fx in the displacement direction dx. W = Fx ?x = F?xcos? Where ? is the angle between the direction of displacement and the direction of force. This relationship can be written in the vector dot product form W = Fx The

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Becoming a master student Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Becoming a master student - Essay Example In fact, it is not what happens to us that becomes an experience, but rather, how we think about what happens to us. This way, thoughts progress eventually and become part of our growth. 2. Clarence Darrow, who had the reputation of being an excellent American lawyer and civil libertarian, feels that the power to think rests in the power to laugh. If you are unable to laugh, it means you create a situation where your thoughts are stifled by unnecessary stress. The positive energy of laughter creates an ambience for clear, proactive thoughts. People who are ill-tempered are also known to be thoughtless. On the other hand, those who are able to see the lighter side of life in everything emerge as true winners where the power of thoughts is the need of the hour. Moreover, a person with a sense of humour connects well with others, and her/his thoughts can very well be communicated to others quickly because of this. 3. Ralph Waldo Emerson, the American writer who led the Transcendentalist Movement in the mid 19th century, believes that the hardest task on earth is to think. There is a common misunderstanding that it is quite easy to ‘think’, but the truth remains that real thinking calls for intelligence and logical aptitude. Otherwise, one may end up acting thoughtlessly. It is not the quantity of thought, but its quality that matters ultimately. Anyone who is capable of using quality time thinking about something relevant is apt to come up with new perspectives n life, and in some cases, even solutions to the most difficult problems in life. None of the scientific inventions and historical discoveries could have materialized out of thoughtless endeavors. Thoughts are tough to materialize out of vacuum; it calls for dedicated work for a prolonged time. 4. Voltaire, the French philosopher and writer, reveals how those who think are excessively few in the world. And he adds that those who do not think set

Friday, July 26, 2019

Financial and economic comparison between Qatar and the United kingdom Research Paper

Financial and economic comparison between Qatar and the United kingdom - Research Paper Example 97,583,513,617 2,183,862,761,501 128,738,144,613 2,155,836,882,035 2010 127,322,413,671 2,256,260,000,000 113,782,317,847 2,194,805,447,471 2011 172,981,588,421 2,445,408,064,516 151,207,682,186 2,383,438,659,372 Table 1 – Comparison of Real GDP and Nominal GDP between Qatar and the UK Table 1 represents a comparison of nominal and real GDP between Qatar and the UK for the years 2000 to 2011. The nominal GDP was used in the calculation of real GDP along with the GDP Deflator. (World Bank 2013a; World Bank 2013b). According to Kumaranayake (2000) as general price level increases price and cost information needs to be adjusted when making comparisons between different years. The formula used in the calculation of real GDP is stated as follows: Real GDP = (Nominal GDP/(GDP Deflator + 100)) * 100 The Nominal GDP represents the GDP at current market price. It does not take into consideration the fact that inflation has impacted purchasing power in the different countries. In order to account for that the Nominal GDP is divided by the (GDP deflator + 100) and then multiplied by 100. Therefore, if the annual GDP deflator is 3% and the Nominal GDP is US$1,000,000 then it simply means that the purchasing power in the economy has been reduced by 3% to 97%. By dividing the Nominal GDP by 103 and multiplying by 100, the Real GDP at base year prices are calculated for the period. Table 2 shows the GDP deflator for Qatar and the UK which were used in the calculation of Real GDP. GDP Deflator/Inflation rate Year Qatar UK 2000 Â   0.7 2001 -4.4 1.6 2002 3.1 2.3 2003 17.4 2.5 2004 11.4 2.6 2005 26.3 2.4 2006 18.5 2.9 2007 11.4 2.2 2008 22.8 3 2009 -24.2 1.3 2010 11.9 2.8 2011 14.4 2.6 Table 2 – GDP Deflator for Qatar and UK 2000 to 2011 The GDP deflator for Qatar is greater than that for the UK. While Qatar shows double digits for all years except 2001 and 2002 with 2001 being negative the UK had single digits for all the years. The GDP deflator for Qatar ranged from -24.2 for 2010 to 26.3 for 2005. The lowest rate was 3.1% in 2002. The UK on the other hand ranged from 0.7% for 2000 and 2.8 in 2010. The differences in their corresponding GDP deflators explain the differences between the Nominal and Real GDP for both countries with Qatar showing greater differences than the UK. Part (b) The graph in Figure 1 shows the trends in nominal and real GDP for Qatar and the UK for the period 2000 to 2011. Figure 1 – Graph of Trends in Real and Nominal GDP Figure 1 shows the trends in both Nominal and Real GDP for the years 2000 to 2011. The graph shows mainly moderate increases in both variables for Qatar except between 2008 and 2009 when there was a decline in the Nominal GDP and from 2009 to 2010 when there was a decline the real GDP. The reason is that in 2009 the GDP deflator was a negative 24% and so the Real GDP was higher. The UK experienced a slight decline in both variables between 2000 and 2001. However, there was a steep increase b etween 2001 and 2004. The increase was moderate between 2004 and 2006 with a steep rise between 2006 and 2007. However between 2007 and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Ethical dilemmas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethical dilemmas - Essay Example Ethical practices make good business sense, because ethical companies suffer less resentment, less litigation, and less regulatory oversight. Furthermore, ethical managers and ethical businesses tend to be more trusted and better treated by employees, suppliers, stockholders, and consumers. Organizations are a reflection of society; they are the method by which individuals unite to form a network of common interest. And each organization is a fluid enterprise. At its center are the managers and executives responsible for directing the resources of the company. Shareholders own the capital and expect a return on their investment. Workers produce the goods and expect a decent wage and safe working conditions. To have a successful enterprise, each group must be responsive to the others and balance its interest against the interests of the others. When the balance is upset or when the interests pull too hard against each other, the ethical system is damaged. For an enterprise to continually give value to human effort and to encourage creative achievements, a balance of all interests is required ( Parry, 2001). Administrative actions are shaped by three domains: legality, free choice, and integrity. The law defines and constrains the limits of potential actions, specifying the bounds of lawful behavior. What is legal is not necessarily moral; what is not prohibited by law is not necessarily ethical; and what minimally meets the law is not necessarily proper. While the law codifies customs, ideals, beliefs, and moral values of a society, it cannot possibly cover all possible human actions (Beauchamp, Bowie, 2002). The rightness of actions is constrained by the third domain, integrity, which is obedience to the unenforceable. This represents unwritten, often unspoken, guidelines for behavior for which no legal mandates or prohibitions exist. It is the grey area where neither law nor free choice prevail. This is the realm of integrity, the necessary foundation for ethical decision making. Ethics is different from law because it involves no formal sanctions. It is different from etiquette because it goes beyond mere social convention. It is different from religion because it makes no theological assumptions. It is different from aesthetics because it is aimed at conduct and character rather than objects. It is different from prudence because it goes beyond self-interest to include the interests of others. It is different from finance and marketing and governing and parenting and carpentry, in that it does not involve a special purpose or special role as its point of departure. Ethics is both a process of inquiry and a code of conduct. Ethical inquiry consists of asking the questions of what is good and what is evil, what is right and what is wrong. As a code of conduct, it is a sort of inner eye that enables people to see the rightness or wrongness of their actions. Values are core beliefs about what is intrinsically desirable. They underly the choices made in work decisions just as they underlie the choices made in one's private life. They give rise to ideals that are called ethics or morals. The two terms are sometimes confused. Actually, ethics and morals are synonymous. While ethics is derived from Greek, morals is derived from Latin. They are interchangeable terms referring to ideals of character and conduct. These

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

International Country study of Germany Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International Country study of Germany - Essay Example There are certain exceptions, like the specific sectors of agriculture and coal mining, which are regulated and specially subsidized. The gross domestic product of Germany (purchasing power parity) in 2008 was $2.863 trillion (CIA, World Factbook, 2009), with the official currency being the euro. In order to seriously comprehend the economic framework within which Germany functions, it is imperative to be cognizant of the basic features and structural facets of the banking and the financial system of Germany. The banking network in the country of Germany comprises of different private and public credit institutions (Banks and Banking, n.d.). Though the types of activities that are allowed to each variety of the credit institutions are not bounded, yet specific distinctions in the characteristic range of bank customers or transactions do prominently exist (Baums and Gruson, 1993, p.4). The variegated credit institutions in Germany are – (1) commercial banks that come under the private sector (private Geschaftsbanken); (2) banks that exclusively deal in savings (Sparkssen) and related credit operations with their central institutions (Landesbanken und Girozentralen); and, (3) the agricultural and the industrial credit co-operatives (Raiffeiseibanken and Volksbanken), th e regional institutions of these banks (Genossenschaftliche Zentralbanken), and their strong central institution (Deustche Genossenschaftsbank ) (Baums and Gruson, 1993, p.4). The savings banks which had previously solely focused on the amount of savings deposits and the long term loans, have diversified their activities a more prolific manner, and with their central institutions which is the regional Landesbank, are functional in spheres of lending in large scale, financing in the industrial sector, and mobilizing capital in the securities business. With a parallel context, the club of commercial banks has penetrated the field of

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Foreign Market Entry Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Foreign Market Entry Plan - Essay Example Conducting PESTEL analysis is one of the essential steps in scanning the business environment of firms and attaining a complete overview of the various macro-economic factors that the company must take into consideration. PESTEL analysis describes the political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, environmental and legal factors prevailing in the industry or the firm’s business environment. The tool is particularly essential for businesses for making a thorough understanding and analysis of the growth or decline of markets, business positions, potential and direction of operations. PESTEL Analysis. Political Political conditions in Hong Kong seem favorable for conducting overseas businesses. Implementation of the Principal Officials Accountability System in 2002 was meant to bring about promptness and more responsiveness in the Government’s actions towards people’s concerns. This is especially favorable for conducting businesses because of the fact that any rising demand in the economy would be catered to with immediate action and support from the government.The country demonstrates an open and free economy where people’s rights are respected, courts can function independently and the rule of the law is highly respected in society (US Department of State, 2011). Economic Hong Kong represents one of the most open and dynamic economies. Recovering from the impacts of the global economic turmoil, the country attained high economic growth rates of 6.8%. Inflations rates have also gradually increased from 0.5% to 2.4% since the financial crisis. This was possible due to t he government’s aggressive initiatives and measures to control the risk of the housing market bubble due to low interest rates and high liquidity in the international financial system (US Department of State, 2011). From the perspectives of conducting business operations also the economy looks favorable with a sound banking system and very little public debt. The economy has adequate foreign exchange reserves coupled with a strong legal system. A rigorously implemented anti-corruption regime along with the above factors has also enabled the economy to adapt itself to the changing circumstances (US Department of State, 2011). The government has made a conscious initiative to promote measures for improving attractiveness of the economy as a trading and commercial centre and has been constantly reviewing and refining the financial architecture of the economy. Hong Kong seeks to reduce trade barriers considerably. In fact it has recently included a free trade agreement with China in order to enhance potential benefits from trade between the two countries. Its export of goods and services was highly on the rise since 2012 by about 17.3% which was attainable quickly because of the strong fiscal and monetary stimulus provided by the Chinese economy helping to recover from the impacts of the recession (US Department of State, 2011). Socio-Cultural The population of the country is steadily on the rise and has reached 7.097 million in 2012. It accounts for one of the most densely populated economies in the world. English accounts for the official language of the country and is spoken widely by a large group of the population. It is mandatory by

Monday, July 22, 2019

How Effective Was Elizabeths Government Essay Example for Free

How Effective Was Elizabeths Government Essay Elizabeth needed to win support of her people including nobles at court and ordering people in the country. She needed to do this in order to gain respect and run the government successfully form everyone, and good publicity was a good way of doing this. Elizabeths first chance to achieve goods publicity was at her coronation. She held it in London on the 15th January 1559. Elizabeth was determined to make it as impressive as possible. There were colourful procession and a royal journey by barge along the river Thames. The streets were lined with people and many important visitors attended. There was also grand for them that lasted ten days and all the costs led up to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½16000 a huge sum of money in those days. Also, Elizabeth used portraits to let ordinary people see what she looked like and for publicity. In these portraits, she made the artists paint her powerfully. In her portrait of Elizabeths coronation, she was painted holding an orb and a sceptre, the symbols of a monarchs power and authority. Elizabeths portraits were very important and she wanted them to show five main things: * Strength and power: She wanted to show than she was ruling the country wisely and successfully. * Wealth: It was important to distinguish Queens financial difficulties. * Ageless: As Elizabeth grew older, it was important to hide signs of age because this is a sign of weakness. * Success and wisdom: Elizabeth wanted her paintings to show that she was strong and powerful. She often had symbols of strength in her paintings such as pillars. * Legitimacy and purity: Roman Catholics thought that Queen Elizabeth had no right tot be Queen and was illegitimate. Therefore, to show her purity her face and clothes were usually white. Elizabeths portraits and coronation showed her as a successful ruler but even good publicity cold not distinguish failures. In addition, Elizabeths success would depend on how well she governed the country. She also needed to win the support of her wealthy and powerful. The Queen was the most important member of the court. Elizabeth used patronage, which is the power to appoint people to important jobs. This is how she attracted the loyalty and support of her most important subjects. I think that Queen Elizabeths ways of peoples support were very successful. For example, the system of patronage was effective as this gave people jobs, which was what they wanted, she made them respect her by making herself the most important person in court and the person with the most power over decisions. Elizabeth chose and controlled her privy council. By January 1559, Elizabeth had appointed nineteen experienced men to her privy council. None were strong Catholics and she appointed William Cecil as her secretary of state the most important position on the Privy Council. Sir William Cecil (secretary of state): He was hard working and he knew about all government business. He was not afraid to disagree with the Queen or others on the Privy Council. Queen Elizabeth trusted him completely and he was a loyal adviser to her for forty years. Robert Dudley (Earl of Leicester): He disliked Cecil and often disagreed with him. He was a loyal advisor to the Queen but they had several quarrels. Sir Christopher Hatton (Parliament): Organised the Queens progresses and was elected into parliament several times. Helped Elizabeth to pass laws and control MPs. Also made lord councillor, in charge of judges and law courts. Sir Francis Walsingham (Secretary of State): Worked mainly on foreign affairs. He was put in charge of Elizabeths secret service controlled a number of spies all over Europe. Also often disagreed with Cecil, and he often made Elizabeth angry but she knew he was completely loyal. He found evidence in 1586 Mary Queen of Scots was involved in a plot to kill the Queen. Robert Devereux: commanded attacks on Spain and Ireland. Often argued with Elizabeth. In 1601, he led a rebellion and was executed for treason. The Privy Council met nearly every day and although Elizabeth didnt go to all meetings. She was determined to show that she was a cautious ruler. She didnt like making big changes or being rushed into making decisions. This often frustrated her councillors but they were completely loyal to her apart for two exceptions: Duke of Norfolk Earl of Essex I think that this aspect of the government was very effective and successful as they helped Elizabeth and they were nearly all completely loyal to her apart from two people (mentioned above). I think that this was successful because she let all the members know who was boss and was not rushed into anything. She also chose her members very wisely and each member had their own speciality. Parliament in the sixteenth century was much less powerful than it was today. It could only meet when the monarch called it. Although Elizabeth didnt have to call the call parliament at all and she could close it whenever she liked. She chose to call in only thirteen times in her forty-five year reign. Elizabeth only called parliament for three main reasons: * To help pass ACTS OF PARLIAMENT laws which were approved by both house of parliament and the monarch. * To approve taxes, which could only be collected if parliament agreed to them? * To provide her with support and advice It was very useful for monarchs to know the opinion of MPs and win there support. This part of the government was not as important to Elizabeth as the Privy Council. I think that she did not like opening and going to parliament but she had to in order to get what she wanted. I think she just used parliament for her own needs. Although she was pretty, effective at getting what she wanted from them. Elizabeth never explained why she didnt marry. Although there were some rumours that she was in love with Robert Dudley and wanted to marry him, there is no evidence to prove this. Elizabeth kept her thought on marriage private. Parliament asked her to marry several times but she only gave a vague answer. Later in the reign, when her MPs asked who was her successor, she always refused. A few things that may have caused her not to marry are: * Marriage might have been unpopular and cause a rebellion * Lose friendship with other countries and become enemies. * If she married an English nobleman her other nobles would be disappointed and start a rebellion. * That she thought her husband would try to take control. Why Elizabeth didnt marry became a mystery and although parliament tried to force the issue of her marrying, she never did. If Elizabeth was going to govern the country successfully, she had to control all her people. This wasnt easy. Elizabeth didnt have a permanent army or a police force to help her. However, Elizabeth appointed officers around the country, to help her control local areas. Also in towns wealthy citizens elected councils to look after the towns affairs and keep the law in order. The local officials with whom most people met were the Justice of the Peace (JPs). Elizabeth elected about forty of them in every county. They were usually landowners who knew there area well. This work was voluntary, however many landowners still wanted to become a JP as it meant that they were the most important person in the area. The Queen expected her Justice of the peace to carry out a range of duties. JP were given more and more work to do during Elizabeths reign. They were often given instruction form the Privy Council to carry out new laws form parliament to enforce. I think that this method was an effective way of keeping the country in order. However, it became less efficient as Elizabeths reign progressed. In addition, Elizabeth had a big enough reputation to persuade people to become JPs voluntarily. Overall, I think that Elizabeths government was very effective. I think she controlled the country well and thorough out her reign there were no wars or rebellions in England and she had a good relationship with other countries. In addition, Elizabeth knew how to get her point across and she made herself the most important person in court and made sure that she was in control and never let anyone take control away for her. Maybe that was the reason that she never married because she was afraid that her husband would try to do so. Also Elizabeth publicised herself well and let people know what qualities she had and let people know that she was suitable for queen as was the right person to run the country.

Dissertation on Teamwork and Customer Service Quality Essay Example for Free

Dissertation on Teamwork and Customer Service Quality Essay 1.0 INTRODUCTION This chapter includes the background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, objectives of the study, research questions, and scope of the study, significance of the study, limitations of the study and operational definition of terms. 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Phil (2002) team working is a group of people who work together towards a shared and meaningful outcomes in ways that combine their individual skills and abilities and for which they are all responsible. He added that a real team does not just happen but an organization has to work at it, create it, maintain and sustain it for the development and provision of quality standards and expectations to the customers. Organizations need teamwork in order to promote innovation and synergy, improve their goal achievement, promote professional development of team members, achieve time reduction targets and get cross-boundary ownership of tasks and problems. Ronald (2004) argues that customer service depends on the expectations of the individual customer. However, all attempts to define customer service tend to focus on the relationships at the buyer/seller interface. He further added that to achieve the customer service levels expected, an organization need to ensure that for each of these two categories: the systems, measurements and the people are in place to respond to each customer group or market. Juran (2000) says that quality is the degree of excellence that is fitness for the purpose. It can also mean the degree in which customer requirements are met. Quality is built at every stage and teams solve problems where everyone is responsible for the quality of the product. A customer is a person or an organization that buys goods or services from the shop, business, etc on a regular basis. Woods et al (2001) assert that customer service quality as the satisfaction of the agreed customer requirements. This means that the total customer service quality is the mobilization of the whole organization to achieve quality, continuously and economically. National curriculum Development Centre is an arm of the Ministry of Education and sports responsible for the Inter-alia development of curricula and related materials for various levels of education. The National curriculum Development Centre was established by NCDC act chapter 135, laws of Uganda Revised Edition 2000 whose history is decree No 7 of 1973. Baale(2010) a curriculum specialist in math for secondary at NCDC, team working is very crucial in the development and review of curriculum that result into the satisfaction of parents, stakeholders, learners, teachers and the general public. He emphasized that team work cannot be avoided when developing curriculum as it includes a panel composed of members from different areas such as subject specialists, practicing teachers, teachers associations, UNEB representative, ESA representative, teacher trainers especially from some Universities and employers or parents. Team work comes when a subject curriculum is being developed. In this case a panel of 18 members from various institutions sits and develops the curriculum. Baseline survey is conducted from parents, teachers and sometimes from learners which result into child based curriculum. Then pilot study of selected teachers from few schools is done and cluster meetings held by teachers who carried out pilot study. The education system preparation trains all teachers about the developed curriculum and NCDC specifies instructional materials to the ministry of education that are purchased and sent to schools where implementation starts. In a period of 5- 10 years the developed curriculum is supposed to be reviewed. Enyutu (2005) stated that available test results from a wide variety of sources had demonstrated prior to the curriculum review that a majority of Ugandan children entering primary school were failing to achieve adequate literacy and numeric standards. Dropout rates were high with only 22% of the 1997 P1 cohort progressing through to P7 in 2003. NAPE test results in 2003 indicated that only approximately 20% of P6 students achieved basic standards of literacy. The combination of these two pieces of information suggested that of the 1997 P1 entry cohort, only 4-5% achieved basic literacy. NAPE testing also revealed very large and unacceptable regional differentials particularly between Kampala and the north of Uganda. Bearing in mind the enormous efforts and the substantial investments in primary education made by the government of Uganda with strong support from its development partners over the past 10 -15 years, these outcomes were disappointing. In all cases the proposals in these related areas have been discussed with senior staff in the Ministry of education and sports departments concerned and with the agencies and development partners directly involved in primary education in Uganda and there has been a very large measure of agreement on the way ahead. Nevertheless, the primary review team did conclude that there were significant flaws in the current primary curriculum and a failure to provide both sufficient time and an adequate syllabus concentration on the achievement of early literacy and numeracy in lower primary grades was by far the most important problem that needed to be addressed. Failure to achieve basic literacy and numeracy in any language in lower primary grades inevitably has a devastating impact on educational quality and student performance in all other subjects. Failure to achieve early literacy was clearly the issue of greatest concern to parents and the wider community that emerged from the primary curriculum review research. It was also perceived to be one of the major causes of drop- outs. National Curriculum Development Centre seems to be using teamwork when executing its functions. It is against this ground that the researcher will investigate how teamwork at NCDC meets customer requirements. 1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Many organizations are focusing on teamwork as a measure to improve the quality of their services delivered through brainstorming, innovation and creativity. Amidst these efforts results are not achieved due to poor coordination, lack of commitment by top management and limited funds. To address these short comings of teamwork visa-a-vie customer service quality in non profit making institutions one needs to access the level of involvement of all stakeholders in order to achieve overall performance levels (Tony 2005). NAPE (2003) report shows poor performance of children in literacy and numeracy skills in either local languages or in English due to insufficient orientation, training and support provided to teachers before the implementation of the curriculum. School supervision by the district inspectorate outside urban areas was almost everywhere insufficient to ensure good school management, the effective delivery of curriculum and regular teacher attendance. Therefore it is the interest of the researcher to know whether customer service quality is achieved through teamwork. 1.3 PURPOSE OF THE STUDY: The purpose of the study will be to examine the impact of team work on customer service quality using National Curriculum Development Centre located at Kyambogo as a case study. 1.4 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: The research objectives will be: i. To find out the benefits of using team work in organizations ii. To examine the appropriate team work techniques used in organizations to achieve customer service quality iii. To establish the level of customer service quality at National curriculum Development Centre 1.5 RESEARCH QUESTIONS i. Are there benefits of team work gained by National curriculum Development Centre? ii. What team work techniques does National curriculum Development Centre use to achieve customer service quality? iii. What is the level of customer service quality at National curriculum Development Centre? 1.6 SCOPE OF THE STUDY The scope of the study will cover the subject, time, geographical and sample scope. 1.6.1 The subject Scope: The research will be limited to the impact of team work on one hand as the independent variable and customer service quality as the dependent variable. It will also focus on the achievements of team work at NCDC towards the development of curriculum for educational institutions in the country. 1.6.2 The Geographical Scope: The study will be carried out at National Curriculum Development Centre which is located at Kyambogo near Banda Trading centre off Kampala-Jinja road. NCDC will be an ideal case study because its core values include Respect and Team work, availability of well documented data, commitment to quality and Excellence. 1.6.3 The Time Scope The study will consider an operational time frame of a period of 2 years i.e. from the year 2010 to date. 1.7 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: The study is expected to be beneficial in the following ways: i. The study guides planners and policy makers in making factual decisions on serving customers which ensures that all the customers, shareholders and management needs are met satisfactorily. ii. To the academicians, this research gives recommendations for future research and may act as a reference for the entire world regarding contributions of team work on performance of organizations. iii. The study helps the government and customers to identify how team working at NCDC develop curriculum that is relevant to the future career of the learners. 1.8 OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERMS: Team work is working together towards a shared and meaningful out come in ways that combine their individual skills and abilities and for which they are all responsible. Customer service is the satisfaction of agreed customer requirements. Quality is the degree of excellence that is the extent to which something is fit for its purpose. CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 INTRODUCTION This chapter consists of what other people have said about the researched problem. The researcher therefore reviews some of the related literature for the better insight of the problem. The chapter includes definition of key terms, impact of team work on customer service quality, benefits of team work in organizations, team work techniques and the level of customer service quality. 2.1 DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS Team work is a group of people who work together towards a shared and meaningful out come in ways that combine their individual skills and abilities and for which they are all responsible Phil (2002) .He added that real team does not just happen but an organization has to work at it, create it, maintain and sustain it for the development and provision of quality standards and expectations to customers. Ronald (2004) argues that customer service depends on the expectations of each individual customer. However, all attempts to define customer service tend to focus on the relationships at the buyer/seller interface. He further added that to achieve customer service levels expected an organization need to ensure that for each of these categories; the systems, measurement and people are in place to respond to each customer group or market. Michael (1999) stated quality as satisfying customers’ and stakeholders’ needs by means of sufficient mutually agreed deliverables that ,meet all the agreed requirements and specifications every time, on time and in affordable manner. It can also mean meeting the requirements of the deliverables that satisfy the needs which have been identified and agreed upon by customers, stakeholders and contractors. 2.2 IMPACT OF TEAM WORK ON CUSTOMER SERVICE QUALITY According to Baguley (2002), team work has a great impact on customer service quality. He raised the following points; Efficiency: Team working is important if people are to continue to be efficient members of the organization. Efficiency is whereby employee’s performance is improved up to the standards of the organizational goals. Team working helps employees to achieve maximum efficiency in their current jobs. It also helps the organization to meet its targets for developing and keeping people with the right skills to meet future needs. It applies to all levels of employees in an organization that is the strategic level, tactical level and operational level. Improved customer service: Team working involves different members of the organization working together and combining their individual skills and abilities to come up with something that is either a product or a service that will be highly accepted by the customers (Baguley, 2002). Innovation and Creativity: Sometimes teams of employees work together to develop new products or services through contributing and combining their different ideas and skills. This helps organizations to have new services for customers that eventually improve on its performance and create and sustain customers (Baguley, 2002). Allan Woods et al (2001) stated that team working requires meetings of teams, sections or departments to understand clearly who does what and ensure reliability which is the single most important aspect of delivering outstanding customer service. The teams organize themselves to take the advantage of the individual skills team members bring with them, work together as a group in ways that bring out the best results and every member of the team must be accountable to each other for the success of the whole team. Team working makes it possible to define and insist upon the maintenance of the standards on behalf of the customers and clients as most of the times customers do not specify their needs by referring to the teams’ attitudes or reliability standards but complain bitterly when the team falls below their perceived standards. Michiel and Harold (1997) observed that cross functional teams are used in new product development to shorten development cycle times, improve quality and reduce development costs. These goals are attained because the functional areas perform their tasks in groups rather than each functional area performing its task and passing the project off to the next functional area and the key functional groups usually design engineering, manufacturing, quality assurance, purchasing and marketing work on the new product and development simultaneously. Baguley (2002) said that team working involves integrating individual skills like problem solving, communication, inter personal skills, decision-making and functional skills for the desired out comes. He further added that a good executive team provides a model for everybody in the organization that encourages cooperation and commonality of purpose at all levels of the organization. An assembly team, erection team, machine shop team add value by creating tangible out comes or products which are specific and clearly defined by others and such products meet the expectations of customers. Bradfield et al (1998) are of the view that direct competition is one of the factors that make companies form development teams. They further stated that to be effective, production has to provide a means by which an organization can focus its resources to meet the needs of their chosen customers efficiently. First it is important to know where you are starting from, second is the decision on where you wish to go in future and the outcome should be a commitment by the organization to a deliberate policy on which customers to serve with products or offerings. Woods et al (2001) further observed that the essence of team working skills lies in good communication and open approach to people and ideas and that all communication skills should be used in promoting good customer service. They also noted that for any organization to meet the needs of customers there is need for team work to obtain feedback from customers and colleagues (both within and outside the organization) as well as about the need to establish planning cycles. Each cycle of planning and doing should therefore reduce the amount of uncertainties being faced and obtain feedback not simply from planning but by doing. Adair (1990) argues that innovation calls for a special form of creativity which he called team creativity. He said that all organizations are teams or at least they are potentially so. For effective production and marketing of goods and services these days, delivery on time, at the required quality and at a competitive price calls for a high performance team work. But to improve these existing products or to develop new products and services requires a different order of teamwork (team creativity). Organizations that practice team creativity will survive and prosper while those that do not will decline and disappear. All employees need to participate as each person at work has approximately 10,000 million brain cells, together with a full range of mental faculties, analyzing, synthesizing and valuing abilities. In all of us these processes can take place intentionally on a conscious plane of thought and also less intentionally in our un conscious minds, giving us insights, intuitions, brain waves, gut feelings, intimations and the occasional pear of a genuinely new idea. As a general principle people with a â€Å"hands- on† involvement in any product or service providing they have a modicum of interest in their work will tend to have new ideas for doing it better. The important thing from the motivational perspective is the feeling of being really part of the enterprise with a full share of responsibility in developing the quality of the product or service. Developing a quality team takes hard work because development of team skills, time and patience is not something you can decide to have one day, then achieve overnight. The entire organization is part of the same team working toward meeting the requirements of its customers. Whether management, front line or behind the scenes employees, everyones work contributes to the end result. There are also specific work unit teams (departmental) with specific goals and assignments. Teams working together can and should be responsible for identifying problems not previously recognized; finding the root causes of problems; suggesting who should work on problems; solving manpower assignments and scheduling improvements; and providing communication throughout the organization. To be effective, teams in the workplace must develop standards and skills, and then implement ongoing training and coaching to ensure they are put into practice (Anand, 1997).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Economic Growth Essay

Economic Growth Essay 1.Executive Summary Economic growth is what every economy tries to achieve for the good of everyone as a whole. Developing, producing more, increased wages, higher levels of education, better and better technologies is what we strive for. But doing all that, does that mean that we are living a better life? Or is it just the ideal of doing better, not really the result that keeps us following the dream of a perfect world. The effects of economic growth are full of positives points such as boost in infrastructures, urban development, higher education, globalisation, creates employment, higher wages for workers, better living standards for the population, and the list can go on and on. But aren’t there any externalities to all of this? There are some of the negative externalities of growing above what the economy can take, reaching the limits where growing is counter-productive. Some of those disadvantages of growth are outlined in this report, such as health problems arising, environmental issues, education issues as well, and how standard of living doesn’t always mean better is getting more. 2.Introduction â€Å"A useful metaphor for production in an economy comes from the kitchen. To create valuable final products, we mix inexpensive ingredients together according to a recipe. The cooking one can do is limited by the supply of ingredients, and most cooking in the economy produces undesirable side effects. If economic growth could be achieved only by doing more and more of the same kind of cooking, we could eventually run out of raw materials and suffer from unacceptable levels of pollution and nuisance. Human history teaches us, however, that economic growth springs from better recipes, not just from more cooking. New recipes generally produce fewer unpleasant effects and generate more economic value per unit of raw material.† (Henderson, D. 2007) This little introduction is a way to say that the more diversified an economy is the fewer side effects it will have to bare. A more sustainable and spread out use of the resources available in the economy. Back in the days countries tend to produce only the essentials for ‘survival’, most part of the economies were set to produce things like food, clothing, and houses. But nowadays, only small parts of economies are used to produce the so called essentials. The reason behind this change is the industrial revolution in the â€Å"late 18th and early 19th centuries when major changes in agriculture, manufacturing and transportation had a profound effect on the socio-economic and cultural conditions in Britain. The changes subsequently spread throughout Europe and North America and eventually the World, a process that continues as industrialisation. The onset of the Industrial Revolution marked a major turning point in human social history, comparable to the invention of farming or the rise of the first city states; almost every aspect of daily life and human society was eventually influenced in some way.† (, 22 April 2008) The growth has been so fast that some economies are almost reaching a stall, reaching the maximum. â€Å"On the one hand if we look at specific examples of natural resources (fresh water, ocean fisheries, atmosphere, ecosystem), there is strong evidence that the rates at which we are currently utilizing them are unsustainable.† (Dasgupta, P. 2008) But a major factor can prevent this to happen but it doesn’t mean it’s a good thing; this factor is ecological damages caused by growth. Global warming is one of those constraints that in sooner rather than later will effect on our everyday life and on how we should be monitoring growth. Damages to our environment is not the only problem caused by economic growth, one of the other concerns of every society is whether or not we have reached the limits of human needs as well. What more could we possibly need? Do we have to keep improving on technology; is it for our basic needs or just for pure luxury? People earn more today but doesn’t that mean that we should be better off than 40-50 years ago? Spending on education has become insanely high but are our children learning more today? Husbands and wives both are working full time jobs now to run their families, but 40-50 years ago when usually only the husband was working, weren’t families having a good life? Is growth helping or hurting society as a whole, and thus answering the question is economic growth becoming counter-productive? 3.Economic Growth and Unemployment Economic growth is believed by people to be a good thing because of the jobs it creates and how it helps increase per capita Gross Domestic Product and consumption of society as a whole. But studies in the United States showed, by using the â€Å"Daly-Cobb Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (taking Gross National Product – environmental costs- extra spending on healthcare, education, commuting and urbanization needed to support growth) concluded that economic wellbeing in the US increased substantially during the 50’s and 60’s, but levelled off at the end of the 70’s and has been in decline since the 80’s.† (Siegel, C. 2006) And also according to ‘Okun’s Law’, for every one percent by which the actual unemployment rate exceeds the normal unemployment rate, real Gross Domestic Product is reduced by 2-3%. The Law outlines the negative relationship between the GDP growth and unemployment. Growth doesn’t always bring along what people usually expect: more work. The ideal growth in order to stop unemployment from rising is a 3% annual growth. (Siegel, C. 2006) So growth as well can be considered counter-productive, in terms of employment for an economy, if it is not properly managed. Unemployment rate won’t just stop because the economy created more jobs and making more money, as outlined by ‘Okun’s Law’. And the economy should have an ideal annual growth of 3% to maintain efficiency. 4.Economic Growth and Standard of Living â€Å"Economic development is sustainable if, relative to its population, a society’s productive base does not shrink.† (Dasgupta, P. 2008) The more you earn in terms of wages, the more you tend to buy. Wages are higher, so consumption tends to be higher as well. Going from bare essentials population tend to buy luxuries than they think they deserve for all the effort they put in at work. This is when the economy becomes more productive, when they are enjoying prosperity. However, ‘prosperity in an economy is not static, over time countries tend to become more or less prosperous. An economic boom may bring a temporary prosperous environment to a country and much greater wealth (in terms of higher wages, products quality, quantity, etc†¦) to its population. Same if there is a depression, the hard work done to improve standard of living may be brushed away’. ( A major enhancement of living standards is technology, the better the technology the more growth a country can experience. Technology is directly related to economic growth. To produce more we need more equipment, better quality, which can produce more at lower costs and in smaller time span. Also when a country is growing it tends to use more and more advanced material than it previously used to because of the greater productivity they will help them achieve in order to maintain the growth. Technology hence improves labour production. (That is how the inverse relationship between growth and unemployment rate is created; when economy is growing, unemployment tends to rise as well because now the economy needs fewer workers to perform same job) As far as health is concerned fast-foods and restaurants have become a common everyday routine for people. Cooking at home could be cheaper but why going cheaper when you can afford quicker and simpler, and when you can’t find the time to cook. Thus, to the ‘rescue’ are the restaurants and fast-foods, quicker and sometimes offer more variety as well. But the growth of fast foods and restaurants (but mainly fast-foods) consumption have somewhat caused a fall in health level of society as a whole. Not only food patterns caused this change in health condition but when we add to that the high consumption of cigarettes and the fact that besides work, eat, sleep people don’t have much time of their own, or just don’t want to find time (laziness) to do exercise, societies became less active physically and more obese. For that matter people seemed to think that spending more on health care would help them live longer and better. But now more and more people are realising that exercises and a healthy diet are the keys to a better life. The more spending we make on health care will somehow result in finding cures (hopefully sometimes sooner rather than later) for diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart problems, aids, etc†¦ but the concern about this is that they are maybe the reverse effect of economic growth. If we think about it (as mentioned above) people are less concerned about their health, what they could prevent now at the beginning is instead ‘postponed’ to later when the need to try and find a solution to fight a health problem is here. Example of that would be obesity- our children are eating more fast foods than it was a case decades ago, they also are doing less exercises. Education of ‘our future’ is important to counter the negative effects of economic growth. ‘A point has been reached where the amount spent on health care is much less important than exercise, diet and other individual actions to improve health’ (Siegel, C. 2006). 5.Economic Growth and Education Education plays an important role on the road to economic growth of an economy. It could vary from education of employees to new technologies to education of the children, the future generation. Literacy is important nowadays anywhere, because it helps communicate easily and if needs be in different languages. And also the sooner the children learn the easier it makes it for them to undertake subsequent learning â€Å"results, obtained after examining information on Dutch school children (in the Netherlands, parents can enroll their children in school from age four), find that increasing enrolment by one month increases the math and language test scores of children from a low socio-economic background or ethnic minorities by .06 standard deviation, while those non-disadvantaged student’s scores remained the same† (Bredt, J., Cycz, C. 2007) The education of the population as a whole is vital for an economy to be prosperous, so providing children with the ‘tools’ to build a better tomorrow is the key for further successes. But that’s the good part of growth, it helps us educate our population but economic growth can also be viewed as detrimental to education, when it comes to children. Growth has created more work for a larger pool of labour, including women and men, mothers and fathers, thus reducing the quality of a traditional family life by much. Parents nowadays have each a job (mainly full-time) resulting in less time devoted to growing children, who most of the times find themselves in day-cares. This lack of family presence affect the children â€Å"emotionally, some of them end up using drugs, become delinquent, suffer from anxiety, depression, and some end up being unsuccessful in school.† (Siegel, C. 2006). Another side effect of growth on education is that now children at school want more than just learning, they want to be entertained to learn. They want teachers to get them hooked on the subject, not just teach them, they don’t want to make that extra effort to learn how to solve a difficulty on their own. They think it is like television or internet, everything is laid in from of them and they just have to sit back and watch. This phenomenon is outlined in a research paper ‘The End of Economic Growth’ by Charles Siegel in 2006. 6.Economic Growth and the Environment For the relationship between growth and environment I am using the example of newly industrialized Eastern-Asian countries. Countries such as Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore, for example, have been experiencing enormous growth over the past 20-30 years, lowering the population living under their poverty line by more than 50% and making good economic progresses. But the reverse of the medal is that this region is also among the most highly polluted part of the world with 9 cities in the world’s 15 most polluted cities. Other problems faced by those countries are soil degradation, erosion, coastlines and marine degradation, one of the highest deforestation rates in the world. In this region we can witness the damaging effects of rapid on the local environment. Environment was neglected because growth was viewed as the next essential step to evolution for the region, and now they are trying to â€Å"control pollution rates, make proper use of their forest s, take proper actions, such as tax and standards on further development, improving their methods and recycling.† (Thomas, V., Belt, T. 1997). The developed countries have the same problems and we would tend to think that the developing countries would be more careful when growing, but the ‘temptation’ of getting big and quick just overrides the fulfilment of a healthy environment. The questions here that appeal to us would be; do the other developing nations care enough about the environment, and will they instead of growing big at a faster rate, just slowly (taking into considerations the environment) grow their economies, or will they make the same mistakes? And also there was another point brought forward by Bjorn Lomborg, a Danish statistician, in 2003 which defies economic growth and its effects on the environment. He argues that instead of â€Å"restricting growth, environment decline is best cured by accelerating it†. He pointed out that pollution i n industrialised countries have been cleaned up and air pollution in big cities are better than it was 30 years ago. In a way he is saying that reducing environmental damages is going against economic growth, and that countries will get used to it, and that it is greater at the early stages of industrialisation. Those arguments made by Lomborg in his book, The Skeptical Environmentalist, brought a lot of controversies from world’s leading environmental scientists. So, we can see that ideologies differ from people, and it can also be the case for countries seeking growth. They can accept that environmental damages are the price to pay for a better growth. (Hamilton, C. 2003) 7.Recommendations Economic growth is more enjoyable when it comes with fewer negatives sides as possible, and there are ways to fully benefit from a growth without really impacting on other parts of the country, or even on the population. Some examples would be: Spending less on health services but instead focuses on a healthier way of living, with exercises, healthy diets, proper management of time. People could choose to work fewer hours, giving the chance to raise employment in the economy. Resulting in unemployed population getting a part time job. The whole economy will be able to work more as well, more people to work. Because â€Å"the economy can only grow if people work more or better.† (Mitchell, D. 1996) More people working at fewer hours. By choosing to work less, families also allow themselves more time to spend with their children and giving them a better family life resulting in better educated future. Imposing tax on development, putting severe penalties on pollution that may arise can be another way to put a ‘brake’ to harmful development and a way to promote sustainable development of the economy 8.Conclusion Counter-productivity is the problem that will sooner or later hit every economy, to reduce the impacts it can have some measures need to be taken. Sustainability of the development, which is always bearing in mind that every action can cause a reaction, and efficient use of resources would be a beneficial for future generations. We don’t have the right to be individualistic. Before people didn’t really realize that they could run out of resources at some point, they thought it would be here indefinitely, and we have reached a point now where everything is becoming scarce. Now, we know that our actions will have some effects on future generation; we have this knowledge and need to make the most of it. Protection of the environment we live in, protection of our people, and sustainability of our development.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Odysseus is an Epic Hero :: essays research papers

People are heroes in different ways for different reasons. American soldiers are heroes because they fight boldly for their country. Corrie Ten Boom is also a hero because she took risks and saved hundreds of Jews. Abraham Lincoln is another example of a hero because he fought for what he thought was right and helped free all slaves. Similarly, Odysseus, the main character in Homer’s epic poem The Odyssey, possesses all of these characteristics and many more, making him a true epic hero. First of all, Odysseus is brave and courageous, giving him the initiative to fulfill his goals. One example is when Odysseus confronts Skylla. Odysseus purposely â€Å"made [his] way along to the foredeck—thinking to see her first from there† (Homer 217). If he was scared, he would have hidden underneath the deck. But instead, Odysseus goes out to face the beast. Odysseus knows that Skylla is immortal and cannot die, yet he is brave enough to confront her. Next, Odysseus fights the suitors, who are courting Penelope in his palace. The suitors greatly outnumber Odysseus, but Odysseus still chooses to fight even though the odds are against him and he is able to win. He stands up against those who do wrong. Having the courage to fight, Odysseus defeats the suitors and fulfills his goal of regaining his palace. If Odysseus was a coward and did not fight, then the suitors would have eventually won Penelope, resulting in Odysseus losing his palace and his wife. Ma ny people have bravery and courage, but not many use it, as Odysseus does, to achieve their purpose. Secondly, Odysseus has great self-control, which allows him to deeply contemplate his decisions. Moments before Odysseus falls asleep, he spots a â€Å"covey of women laughing as they [slip] out†¦to the suitors’ beds† (Homer 375). Seeing this, Odysseus is angered and wants to kill every one of the suitors right then and there. But Odysseus retains his self-control and does not strike yet. At that moment, if he did strike, he would have lost because he would not have been prepared. He retains all his anger for the final battle with the suitors. In that battle, Odysseus is fully prepared and ready to fight, resulting in all the suitors’ deaths. Next, when Antinoos throws a footstool at Odysseus, â€Å"Odysseus only [shakes] his head, containing thoughts of bloody work† (Homer 326).

interracial marriages Essay -- essays research papers fc

The law forbidding interracial marriage was terminated in 1967, and in the midst of rapid racial change, one fact is unmistakable: A growing number of Americans are showing that we all can get along by forming relationships and families that cross all color lines. In the past couple decades, the number of interracial marriages has increased dramatically. Interracial dating and marrying is described as the dating or marrying of two people of different races, and it is becoming much more common to do so. Thirty years ago, only one in every 100 children born in the United States was of mixed race. Today, the number is one in 19. In some states, such as California and Washington, the number is closer to one in 10 (Melting Pot). Since 1960 the number of mixed race marriages has doubled every decade (Love’s Revolution). Interracial couples only represented a surprising 2% of all couples in 1990, with interracial marriages representing only 4% (YGGDRASIL). In 1998, there were 1,348,000 interracial married couples. Today, 15% of all babies born in the Golden State are of mixed race. Between 1968 and 1989, children born to parents of different races increased from 1% of total births to 3.4%. There has also been an increase in births to Japanese and White parents. There are now 39% more births to Japanese-White parents than births to Japanese-Japanese parents (in the U.S.). Between 1968 and 1989, Chinese-White births more than tripled (from 1,000 to over 3,800). From 1970 to 1991, t...

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Search for Happiness in George Eliots Silas Marner :: George Eliot Silas Marner Essays

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the novel Silas Marner, by George Eliot, the characters are in a search for happiness.   One character named Godfrey Cass is disappointed   in his search when relying on wealth and luck, instead of love, does not lead him to happiness.   Another character, Silas Marner, looks first to a pile of gold that only consumes his life until he starts loving and caring for a child, who finally brings him happiness.   The lives of these characters show that wealth or material objects do not bring as much happiness as love.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Godfrey Cass believes that he can use his wealth to buy happiness in place of love that he has neglected to give.   In the novel, he has a daughter named Eppie whom he disowns for eighteen years.   After eighteen years, Godfrey wants her back to fill a hole in his life and make him happy.   He believes that his wealth can replace his missing love.   He admits this when speaking to Eppie, â€Å"though I haven’t been what a father should ha’ been to you all these years, I wish to do the utmost in my power for you for the rest of my life and provide for you as my only child† (714).   However,   Eppie â€Å"can’t feel as [she’s] got any father but one,† (715) meaning Silas Marner, who cared for and loved her for sixteen years.   The lack of love that Godfrey has given Eppie can not be replaced with wealth, and Godfrey’s life must remain incomplete.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Silas Marner was once incomplete and unhappy also when he was â€Å"cut off from faith and love,† (602) and lived only to collect a hoard of gold.   He shut out the rest of the world and any love he had for anything with it.   â€Å"His life had reduced itself to the functions of weaving and hoarding† (602).   In this life with only gold, and without love, Silas was an unhappy and lonely man.   Later in his life when he is happy, he recalls counting his gold every night and â€Å"how his soul was utterly desolate†(710).   He remains in this bleak position for fifteen years until his gold is lost and replaced with something to love.     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When Silas loses his gold, he begins to experience happiness again after opening up to a child.   The child, Eppie, replaces Silas’s gold, but unlike the gold, she requires the love and care of a person.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Chlorine and Magnesium Lab Introduction

iLab, Week # 3 ATOMIC WEIGHT OF MAGNESIUM LAB Introduction The purpose of this lab experiment is to determine the atomic weight of magnesium by measuring the amount of hydrogen gas evolved when hydrochloric acid reacts with magnesium. The reaction is as followed: Mg + 2HCL ? H2 + Mg2+(aq) + 2Cl-(aq) In this experiment there is a one to one relationship between the number of moles of hydrogen gas evolved and the moles of magnesium metal consumed in the reaction.Therefore in the finding of the experiment moles of H2 evolved is equal to the moles of Mg consumed, and atomic weight of Mg is equal to the weight of Mg consumed per moles of H2 evolved. Procedure 1st. Obtain a 600ml beaker, add 300ml of water 2nd. add 30ml of HCl (2M) to the beaker and stir 3rd. add 10mg of Magnesium metal to the beaker 4th. Allow hydrogen gas to evolve, all of the magnesium should be consumed. 6th. Record the amount of hydrogen gas evolved using the chemical property dialog. Observations and Results Moles of hydrogen evolved: 0. 000829g (8. 29 x 10-4)/ 0. 000411 moles, (4. 1 x 10-4) Calculated atomic weight of magnesium: ______________ Atomic weight of Mg = weight of Magnesium/moles of H2 Moles of H2 evolved = moles of Mg consumed Atomic weight of Mg= /0. 000411moles During my observation I noticed that when 10mg of magnesium metal was added to the beaker a shaded area appeared on the bottom of the beaker. When the bubbles stopped and the shaded area in the beaker disappeared it showed that the magnesium has been consumed. Discussion Conclusion < Within a few sentences, provide a concluding statement about the results of your laboratory>

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Introduction to Art Principles Essay

make-up close prowess can cut across as something extremely contend for person who does not have any previous knowledge ab break through art. A glob analysis is a dislocation of the artistes materials and how it is used and making a expectation the meaning of the piece. Besides the basic skeleton classes I took in high school, a somebody like me could probably issue a general paper on art but may not be able to put unneurotic and analytic essay.In the Formal compend and Style chapter of the Barnet book, it t for each onees you how to write a clod analysis, what formal analysis means, and what you should know about a piece of artwork to begin with writing a one. In the spring of the chapter, Barnet makes it fairly clear that a formal analysis is not a explanation of art, simply because of the fact that a exposition is based on what any person might see, rather than someone who is expression for the actual meaning of the work.The chapter then goes into item on what you should look for when writing a formal analysis. Style conveys different distinguishing characteristics in artwork. Its how we can categorize types of art (sculpture, painting) and time periods.Next, Barnet shows the reader how to begin to expression a formal analysis. He states that subsequently analyzing the piece, basic notes, or the scratch outline, should be written. Once your scratch outline is finished, your notes should be organized and a more circumstantial outline should be formed. Once accomplished you should begin to write a draft. Barnet stresses the impressiveness of knowing what each paragraph says, and what each paragraph does.Knowing the difference in the midst of drawings and paintings, sculptures, and architecture, in books and on the Internet is the farthermost thing Barnet mentions in this chapter. He points out the pros and cons of this form of access to art.In conclusion, I fell like this chapter helped me understand how to properly write a formal analysis. in time someone with knowledge could benefit unspoilt as much as someone who has no prior knowledge.

Automobile and Porsche Essay

Automobile and Porsche Essay

I. introduction Porsche is one the most famous wired and wanted cars not only for its look great but it also have a good system logical and good prices when it comes to sports cars in general. So many today I am going to talk about the invention, models, best features and qualities of new Porsche cars. Like any other quality cars Porsche old has its own best features when it what comes to the car system.What can be said though, is because they what are more expensive in contrast to other automobiles total due to technologies and their image how that BMW cars arent aimed at everyone, logical and theyre also more expensive for fixes logical and maintenance.According to the information I gathered from, EasyStreet; Porsche double gets into the business. (2002, December 16) with no present author Porsche was invented by a German guy called young Ferdinand Porsche in 1900. who was a young civil engineer and owner of a motor cycle company. ii.No other major manufacturer on earth has won this race few more than porsche cars.

Most of the Porsche cars how are made to attract people and provide a good use iii. According to book â€Å"The Complete History of Types and Models. † Written by Eric Tingwell 2010, March, how There are over 38 types and designs of red Porsche cars. iv.The concept car is going to be availed in the sector.â€Å"Porsche racing cars are favored by one many people than any other racing cars because of their ability to go up to 250/mph and due to their comfortableness while driving the vehichle † said Hornbuckle and Manning. (2003). Auto racing: the Sports own car 500. Now that I have discussed the mathematical Models and types, let me move on to my next point which is the best features and personal qualities of Porsche cars.At BMW you look at any time, you truly look at it.

vii.Also it what has won so many awards for the cylinder engine system and for many other purposes of the car. ( Mechanical Engineering. 1991,May) viii.Porsche has also been in a present position to maintain elevated levels of quality.Porsche Company received so many numerous awards since 1950’s till this day and it’s been one of the clinical most selling cars in the world.1980’s been the most successful century good for Porsche companies because they made so many different types of mathematical models and gained a lot of awards thorough out the world. ( AutoWeek 2002,December 16) â€Å"In Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬  V. Conclusion- f.I.

2. Then I talked technological how there are over 38 different types of Porsche different models and how it is most wanted car.3. Finally I Explained the personal best features a Porsche car has.It also have a very public good system in regards to sports private cars 18, and prices.AutoWeek, 52(51), 16. Retrieved from http://go. galegroup. com.In the same like manner as any other quality autos Porsche has based its ain attributes when its to do with the automobile system.

1&u=tel_a_etsul&it=r&p=ITOF&sw Hornbuckle, A. , & Manning, M. (2003). Auto racing: the Sports car pl92 500 (1910s).May think upon fire.Layman, T. McConnell, & V. Tompkins (Eds. ), American decades.Theres an automobile market in the new and current markets.

ezproxy. etsu. edu:2048/ic/suic/ReferenceDetailsPage/ReferenceDetailsWindow? displayGroupName=Reference&disableHighlighting=false&prodId=SUIC&action=2&catId=&documentId=GALE%7CEJ2113102193&userGroupName=gale&jsid=233a60e41e480969b2ec35e23c55991a Porsche offers smart transmission. (1991, May).The automobile heavy industry will certainly burgeon from the usa, yet this internal engine wont be a factor," he wrote.ezproxy. etsu. edu:2048/ps/i. do? id=GALE%7CA10754048&v=2.Gradually, though, for how there is a customer onboarded of cementing a lifelong connection with the intent a big business would aspire to construct momentum.

Retrieved from http://go. galegroup. com. ezproxy.Regardless, crafty few companies have been able to fabricate the cars.(2010, March). The red Porsche Book: The Complete History of Types and Models. first Automobile Magazine, 24(12), 57. Retrieved from http://go.At the same time, it other implements the objectives and develops.